1. 26.
    @26 It was rather surprising to discovera deep vein of sentiment in little Geoege Potter I had been his fried and hislawyer for many years and had watch the always fat and once alert little man settle in to a domesticroutine He had been moderately succesfullin business, sufficiently succesfullto permit him to retire from business and to trawel about the world a little if hehad wanted to do so But instead he and Esther were content to sit night after night in their pleasantliving room; she was busy with her sewingor reading, he passingthe time with his excellent collection ofpostage stamps
    Looking back over the years of my friendship with Potter , I can see that the vein of romance had probably been there all the time there was, for instance, his very romantic lowe-affair with Althea Deane – an affair which almost became a scandal But just whenpeole began to gossipabout them, George married her
    That marriage appeared to estinguish George Potter’s last spark of romanticism It never had a change to be succesfull
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