1. 26.
    @30 brother, as i said before i'm not kind of teacher who got bored you in high school ages. i provide to have fun while learning english. cause that's the point for remind some words, some tenses.. for example, you must keep control over your audiences as a "friend-leader". if you feel that conversation is going to shit, change the topic. as i mentioned before, whenever i feel that our conversation getting worse, i always say " sooo, let's tell me about your puppy, what did he/she do? how many times did you walk around park with him?" you need to have brilliant and genious mind to control people. it's human nature, if you emphasise some authority, they will not listen you. you need to approach as a friend, and teacher at the same time. blow their attention when they get bored. you may say "sooo, forget about past tense, let's listen an amazing song which include also past tense - present tense. we can also remind last week's lecture (for example present tense) and also it will improve our listening skills..
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