1. 1.
    Geryon - (literary- Dante) Centaur/Dragon who guards hell.
    Guecubu - (Chili) Evil spirits.


    Haborym - (Hebrew) Another name for Satan.
    Hecate - (Greek) goddess of underworld and sorcery. Queen of witches.

    Hela - (Teutonic) goddess of death, daughter of Loki.


    Ifrits - (Arabic) Evil, hideous spectres. Became Genies in Persian and Indian mythology. Also associated with Jinns and Divs of Persia.
    Incubus - male demon of seduction said to invade a woman’s dreams. Note various spellings: Incubus, Incubus. Plural = Incubi

    Ishtar - (Babylonian) goddess of fertility.


    Jezebeth - (Unk) the demon of falsehoods.

    Kali - (Hindu) daughter of Shiva, the destroyer. A succubus/succumbus.
    Kasdeya - The book of enoch refers to this demon as the "fifth satan"

    Kobal - (Unk) Hell's entertainment liaison.

    Kostchtchie - (Russian) a goblin of death.


    Leonard - (see also Urian; german) Demon of sorcery . Appears as a giant black goat.
    Leviathan - (Hebrew) the serpent, the raging sea. Snake worship. Water Elemental. Grand admiral of hell. Seen as androgynous.

    Lilith - (Hebrew) in Hebrew myth - Adam’s first wife. Later wife to Satan. According to many demonologists, Lilith presides over Succubi. Lilith is said to attempt to destroy newborn infants. For this reason the practice of writing a formula to drive Lilith away on all four corners of the birth chamber was adopted by the Jews. Lilith is the princess of hell.

    Loki - (Teutonic) devil.

    Lucifer - (Roman) The Light Bringer. Air Elemental. Often misconstrued as being Satan. They are two separate demons.

    Lucifuge, Lucifuge Rofocale - (Roman) devil.


    Malphas - (Unk) Grand president of the infernal regions. Appears as a crow.
    Mammon - (Aramaic) god of wealth & profit.

    Mandragoras - (Unk) Familiar demons. They are attributed to the mandrake root and considered gifts from Satan to the sorcerer who conjures them.

    Mania - (Etruscan) goddess of Hell.

    Mantus - (Etruscan) god of hell.

    Mara - (Buddhist) a demon who attempts to damn the soul.

    Mastema - (Unk) leader of human/demon offspring

    Melchom - (Unk) the treasurer of the palace of hell.

    Mephistopholes, Mesphito - (Greek) the light shunner. Counterpart of Lucifer.

    Merihim - (unk) the prince of pestilence.

    Metztli - (Aztec) goddess of night

    Mictain -(Aztec) god of death

    Moloch - (Phoenician) devil

    Mormo - (Greek) God of Spirits. Hecate’s Consort.

    Mullin - (Unk) Leonard's right hand man.

    Murmur- (Unk) Demon of music. A count of hell.


    Naamah - (Hebrew) seduction
    Naburus, Naberios - (Unk) protector of the gates of hell. Associated with Cerberos. A marquis of hell.

    Nebiros - (Unk) Mar De Camp of hell.

    Nergal - (Babylonian) god of underworld. A second order demon.

    Nihasa - (American Indian) devil.

    Nija - (Polish) god of underworld

    Nina -(Babylonian) Serpent Goddess.

    Nybras - (Unk) an inferior demon who publicizes the pleasures of hell.

    Nysrogh- (Unk) another second order demon - who- is chief of staff in the palace of hell.


    Orias - (Unk) Demon of divination. Marquis of hell.
    Oroan - (Guyana) Demon of the eclipse.

    Orthon - (Unk) a demon of unknown origin who is said to have ties with possessions in france and with the Satanic-Masonic cult of Palladinism in 19th century Italy.

    O’Yama - (Japanese) Another name for Satan.


    Pan - (Greek) god of lust.
    Paymon - (Unk) master of infernal ceremonies.

    Philotanus - (Unk) a second order demon in service to Belial.

    Pluto - (Roman) god of underworld.

    Proserpine - (Greek) queen of underworld.

    Pwcca - (Welsh) Pooka in Celtic Mythos derived from this name for Satan.

    Pyro - (Unk) A demon prince of falsehood.

    Pytho - (Unk) a demon of lies. A serpent demon.


    Rahu - (Hindu) devil.
    Rakshasa - (India) demon whose appearance in the least, horrifying.

    Raum- (Unk) a count of hell.

    Rimmon - (Syrian) devil.

    Ronwe - (Unk) the demon of knowledge. In some accounts - a lesser demon.


    Sabazios - (Phrygian) the snake. Serpent worship.
    Samael - (Unk) it is thought this angel of death was the demon who tempted Eve. Also the prince of air. This is merely another name for satan.

    Samnu - (Asian) devil.

    Satan, Shaitan (Satan/Hebrew Shaitan/Arabic) The Adversary. Lord of fire. Fire Elemental.

    Satanchia (Hebrew/Greek) devil. Same as Satan.

    Sargatanas - brigadier of hell.

    Sedit (American Indian) devil.

    Sekhmet (Egyptian) goddess of vengeance.

    Semiazas - (Unk) said to be the chief of all fallen angels.

    Set - (Egyptian) devil.

    Shabriri - (Jewish Myth) a demon who strikes people blind.

    Shiva - (Hindu) the destroyer.

    Sonnilion, Sonnillon - (Armenian) goddess of hate.

    Succorbenoth - (Unk) demon of jealousy and said to protect gates and bridge ways.

    Succumbus, Succubus- female demon of seduction. Said to seduce males while sleeping. Note various spellings. Plural - Succubi.

    Supay - (Inca) god of underworld.


    T’an-mo - (Chinese) devil of desire.
    Tchort - (Russian) The Black God. Another name for Satan.

    Tezcatlipoca - (Aztec) god of Hell.

    Tezrian - (Armenian) goddess of war

    Thamuz - (Sumerian) devil. An ambassador of hell. Said to have started the inquisition and to have invented artillery.

    Thoth - (Egyptian) god of magick.

    Troian - (Russian) night demon.

    Tunrida - (Scandanavian) devil.

    Typhon - (Greek) Another name for Satan.


    Ukobach or Urobach - (Unk) a fire demon.
    Unsere - (Unk) goddess of sorcery and fertility.

    Uphir - (Unk) the head demon physician in the palace of hell.


    Valafar- (unk) another grand duke of hell.

    Veltis - (Babylonian) Evil spirit who assaulted St. Margaret.

    Verdelet - (Unk) Master of ceremonies of infernal court. Demon of the second order.

    Verin - (Unk) the demon of impatience.

    Vetis - (Unk) the temptor of the holy.



    Xaphan - (Unk) another fire demon. Keeper of the furnaces of hell.


    Yaotzin - (Aztec) god of Hell.
    Yen-lo-Wang (Chinese) ruler of Hell.



    Zabulon - (Unk) Demon who possessed one of the nuns at Loudun.

    Zaebos - (Sumerian) Grand Count of hell said to have gentile disposition.

    Zagam, Zagom - (Unk) Grand king and president of infernal regions. Said to change things into its opposite. Demon of counterfeit.

    Zapan - (Unk) One of the kings of hell according to Wierius.

    Zeernebooch- (German) monarch of the empire of the dead.

    Zepar - (Unk) Grand duke of hell - god of war. Also Vepar and Separ
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