0brenda: the future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today.Tümünü Göster
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[parker is about to have sex]
guy at party: how old are you?
parker: how old do you want me to be?
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claire: well, isn't it comforting to know that being miserable is still better than being an idiot?
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claire: if we live our lives the right way then everything we do can become a work of art.
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celeste: [on the phone] fine, i'll do the crappy kids choice awards, but i'm not presenting with hilary fucking duff.
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celeste: creepy colin farrell just left me another creepy message; can't we do something about that, y'know legally?
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[holding picture]
nate: there's something weird about twins, about these twins anyway.
[shows picture to brenda]
brenda: they're cute.
nate: they smell like bananas.
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claire: you know, at first i was worried, but now i'm just pissed.
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maggie sibley: i know that if you think life's a vending machine where you put in virtue and take out happiness than you're going to be disappointed.
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officer keith charles: [talking to david about marriage] you're in my will, i'm in yours. we basically are married, even if the law refuses to recognize it. but then again, i refuse to recognize most of the bush administration. i guess it all evens out.
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nate: why do you treat me like shit all the time, brenda?
brenda: because i've had a really fucked-up life and i need sarcasm to hide how ridiculously miserable i am!
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george sibley: i've made a lot of enemies through the years. you take the backstabbing world of academia, throw in a controversial field like geology and you've got real trouble.
claire: geology is controversial?
george sibley: oil, claire. oil.
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celeste: you ever been with a woman?
officer keith charles: of course.
celeste: i don't get fucked in the ass.
officer keith charles: that makes one of us.
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[repeated line]
ruth fisher: really and truly?
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nathaniel fisher: you hang on to your pain like it means something, like it's worth something. well let me tell you, it's not worth shit. let it go. infinite possibilities and all he can do is whine.
david fisher: well, what am i supposed to do?
nathaniel fisher: what do you think? you can do anything, you lucky bastard, you're alive. what's a little pain compared to that?
david fisher: it can't be so simple.
nathaniel fisher: what if it is?
the vikings sozluge ozgur ozel yeniligi getirmis
din harici bir şey konuşmayalım
0020 sosyal medya maceraları
allahsız kitapsız milli dini manevi değeri olmayan
ailemin mancigina goyum la
the vikingss bile ben sarhoş olunca
2021 ramazan ayı inci sözlük
ne kadar sövsem az
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türkiye de felaketlerden ölenlere üzülen yok
yıllardır sittin seneyi gibtin sene sanırdım
kimdir necidir tanımam ama
insallah 3 takimimizda avrupadan elenir
ohhhh yavrum benım
ben bu vatan icin 6 ay askerlik yaptım
ya moruk ecnebinin yaptığı makine harbi makine
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bir günü ile diğeri eşit olan ziyandadır
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