al lan çok bekledin yaziyim
Through understanding and correct interpretation of
geological structures and soils covering the earth crust and
their possible relations with the materials underlying them
requires reliable quantitative and qualitative analyzing
general name for an important mineral group which is
industry [1]. Physical and chemical properties of the clays
3, 4, 5].
The structure of the clay organic complexes has been
the subject of many researches since 1930 [6]. Some clay
minerals having large surface area, high ion exchange
capacity and molecular grid properties have been
pioneered for the development of many new products [5].
Subsequently, a great number of studies have been carried
on the determination of chemical properties of the clays.
One of the methods applied is the FTIR (fourier transform
infrared) spectroscopy [7, 8].
Significant number of studies, generally on the
geology of the study area is available in the literature.
However, particularly one of them, which are more
comprehensive study in terms of geology and mineralogy,
deserves to be mentioned here. Pasquare [9] has
investigated the Central Anatolian clays including the
Arapli-Yesilhisar-Kayseri area by using geological
columnar sections and field observations. In current study,
distribution of clay-rich horizons and their
litostragraphical relations have been investigated by
constructing columnar sections (profiles) at type localities
within the study area.
A combined profile representing the constructed
profiles chosen for this and nearby area was shown in Fig.
1. It has been determined that the 20-25 m thick Kizilkaya
ignimbrite generally occurs at the top the profile. The
Kizilkaya ignimbrite is not lithologically homogenous in
that varying from loosely-cemented with andesiticbasaltic-
granitic gravels at the bottom and reddish color
strongly-cemented, welded ignimbites towards the top.
Underlying the ignimbrite, there is about 15 m thick, red
colored unit consist of clay, tuff and paleosoil [9].
An earlier attempt to determine the chemical
But, no study on the quality and the quantity of the
region’s clays has been documented yet.
Along with XRD (X-ray powder diffraction), the FTIR
investigation in clay mineral speciation could be regarded
as useful and multipurpose application since some
physical details of clay lattices and experimental
qualitative correlation between the samples were made
possible. Besides, for the minerals that were observed with
the both techniques, functional groups could only be
determined through the FTIR spectra. Therefore,
qualitative and quantitative speciation of the minerals by
employing the FTIR spectroscopy is very important and
promising. In this study, the clay samples taken from the
Arapli-Yesilhisar-Kayseri located in the Central Anatolia
(Turkey) have been investigated by using the FTIR
The clay samples were taken from three different
levels shown in the litostratigraphic columnar section of a
selected locality in the Arapli-Yesilhisar region (Fig. 2).
The samples taken from lower level, middle level and
upper level were labeled as MPF 1.2, MPF 1.1, and CK
2.3, and CK 2.2, CK 2.1, respectively. The following
processes were applied to prepare the samples for the
FTIR measurements.
Samples were ground into powder. Powdered samples
were alternately washed with pure water, ethylealcohol,
and ether. Then, they were dried in an oven at 110 oC for
24 hours. These samples were prepared applying the disc
technique (mixing *200 mg KBr)
and put in molds. These intimate mixtures were then
pressed at very high pressure (10 tons per cm2) to obtain
the transparent discs, which were then placed in the
sample compartment. Bruken Equinox 55 Fourier
transform FTIR spectrometer (Department of Physics,
METU, Turkey) was used for the IR spectral
measurements of these samples with standard natural clay
and the spectra were recorded over the range of 5000-370
cm-1 (% transmission versus cm-1). Before taking the
spectra measurements of the samples, spectrometer was
calibrated with polystryrene and silicateoxide of thicknes
0.05 nm.
On the other hand, the infrared spectra of the illite
(IMt-1; Silver Hill, Montana, USA), illite-smectite mixed
layer (ISMt-1; Mancos Shale, Ord.), beidellite (SBId-1;
Idoha, USA), kaolinite (KGa-1; Washington Country,
Georgia, USA), chlorite (ripidolite, CCa-1; Flagstaff Hill,
El Dorato Country, California, USA), nontronite (NAu-2;
Uleynine, South Australia), and montmorillonite (SCa-3;
Otay, San Diego Country California, USA) known as
standard natural clays were taken, since those spectra were
necessary for the analyses of subject samples.
A second treatment was employed only to the clay
sample taken from the upper level to see whether there is a
change in the structure of the samples or not due to FTIR
spectrum measurements. For this procedure, HCl,
bicarbonate (Na2CO3), and sodiumdithonit (Na2S2O4), and
sodiumstrate (Na3C6H5O7) liquids were added to the
sample to remove carbonates (mainly calcite and
dolomite), amorph materials and manganese oxides, which
were expected to be present. This mixture was treated in
an oven at 120 oC for 24 hours and washed using
ethylalcohol and eter until complete removal of those
unwanted components was achieved. The FTIR spectrum
of the precipitate was then taken.
FTIR spectra of the samples taken from lower level
(MPF 1.2, MPF 1.1), middle level (CK 2.3), and upper
level (CK 2.2, CK 2.1) of the Arapli-Yesilhisar soil profile
are given in Figs. 3 thru 5, respectively.
The assignments of the vibration bands of the samples
were carried out as stated in the materials and methods:
using the fundamental vibration frequencies of the clays
known as the World Source Clay Minerals (standard
natural clay), each of the vibration bands corresponding to
which clay species in the spectra of the samples were
determined and results for the clay samples given below
and the results obtained for each clay sample representing
certain levels within the profiles were given in tables
A combined profile representing the constructed
profiles chosen for this and nearby area was shown in Fig.
1. It has been determined that the 20-25 m thick Kizilkaya
ignimbrite generally occurs at the top the profile. The
Kizilkaya ignimbrite is not lithologically homogenous in
that varying from loosely-cemented with andesiticbasaltic-
granitic gravels at the bottom and reddish color
strongly-cemented, welded ignimbites towards the top.
Underlying the ignimbrite, there is about 15 m thick, red
colored unit consist of clay, tuff and paleosoil [9].
An earlier attempt to determine the chemical
properties of the Anatolian clays using the FTIR
spectroscopy was successful to certain extent [10]. In this
study, the adsorption of 2,2’-biquinoline onto natural and
ion-exchanged montmorillonite and saponite from
Anatolia (Turkey) have been studied. In a similar study,
the adsorption of 3-aminopyridine by natural sepiolite and
montmorillonite from Anatolia (Turkey) have been
investigated in the temperature range from 20 to 125 oC
using a variable temperature unit [11]. They have also
studied the adsorption of pyrimidine on natural
montmorillonite and sepiolite from Turkey [12]. Another
study carried on the area was about geological formation
of the region’s clays. It has been proposed that andesite,
basalt and granite gravels have been transported into the
ignimbrites as terresterial and lacustrine products [13].
But, no study on the quality and the quantity of the
region’s clays has been documented yet.
Along with XRD (X-ray powder diffraction), the FTIR
investigation in clay mineral speciation could be regarded
as useful and multipurpose application since some
physical details of clay lattices and experimental
qualitative correlation between the samples were made
possible. Besides, for the minerals that were observed with
the both techniques, functional groups could only be
determined through the FTIR spectra. Therefore,
qualitative and quantitative speciation of the minerals by
employing the FTIR spectroscopy is very important and
promising. In this study, the clay samples taken from the
Arapli-Yesilhisar-Kayseri located in the Central Anatolia
(Turkey) have been investigated by using the FTIR
The clay samples were taken from three different
levels shown in the litostratigraphic columnar section of a
selected locality in the Arapli-Yesilhisar region (Fig. 2).
The samples taken from lower level, middle level and
upper level were labeled as MPF 1.2, MPF 1.1, and CK
2.3, and CK 2.2, CK 2.1, respectively. The following
processes were applied to prepare the samples for the
FTIR measurements.
Samples were ground into powder. Powdered samples
were alternately washed with pure water, ethylealcohol,
and ether. Then, they were dried in an oven at 110 oC for
24 hours. These samples were prepared applying the disc
technique (mixing *200 mg KBr)
and put in molds. These intimate mixtures were then
pressed at very high p
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