1. 1.
    What is your f u ckng problem man? what i syour problem about the diamond of turkey? What is the problem about the girls? dont u like girls or are u fat ass?hmm i guess u are a fckng loserithats why u always attack to somewhere and somehowe to the girls * thats the way losers do man,but chill out and dont do this again, dont attcak the people and the girls and dont attack a city,oke?'cause we fuck your mother and f ck your mother and all family * ) dont do this again, just try to learn how u connect the girls and people, fckng asshole * ) if god gives u a chance to meet a girl in my city,i am sure that u make fuck your fat ass to all people in here.So dont be fcking shit and just turn off the computer, take your tears and go to your fckng bed dude::::)) like a fckng losers * see ya on the another f c kng entry of u or kind a person like u..
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