1. 1.
    One day I was wandering through the school yard
    mehmet teacher come over here called
    you're welcome sir
    Remove from said pen
    7.65 `i took off my waist
    said the book will
    took the court papers
    Remove from said map
    that's beautiful
    vücumda you left me there for three 5-blade wounds or
    Took them to work
    nay, they said teacher
    teacher 3 5 razor wound
    You'd think that if Allah psychopath
    but I do not know
    o 3 5 razor wound
    hazel eyes, fond memories
    Play Play keke

    edit: düzgünü bu amk

    one day im hanging around the school garden. my teacher called me " come here mehmet".i said "yes sir",she said show your pencil , i showed my 7,65 , she said show your notepad , i showed court papers ,she said show me a map , at this moment my darling , i showed my razor blade wounds , my teacher asked me " what are these ?? " . " sir , these are razor wounds ! as if you supposed me as god of psycho ! but you dont know those razor wounds are memory of my darling's hazel eyes... play keke plaaaaaaay
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