0There are different types of modules when it comes to investing money. While some investors go for large earnings in a short time by taking risks, I prefer safer, sounder ways even if it means a longer term, including dividend investing, long-term investing and Forex investing.
Over my part of life as a financial advisor, I got along well with retired people. That's maybe why I try to avoid risky moves and prefer stable gains over long-term periods, which is highly appropriate for retirement portfolios. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that it would take decades to collect sizable profits. If you know how to act in the investment world, you can receive attractive returns in relatively shorter times. You should know where to begin: dividend stocks with well-built balance sheets.
There are tons of dividend stocks offering safe and high returns if you know where to look. Lots of industries include such stocks, and I will write an article about dividend stocks in each of them in the following days. Today, I would like to start with dividend stocks in my favorite industry: Technology. With major technology stocks getting cheaper and dividends growing, perhaps it is time to accept that tech is the new value. This is one of the few industries that shows little volatility in the last decade. Moreover, it sits on an enormous amount of cash and equivalents. Yes, the technology sector holds considerable risks, but it is also one of the most stable industries after the tech bubble. I have picked three large-cap technology stocks that are doing great and promising an even better future. All of these stocks are priced with low P/E ratios and estimated to deliver positive EPS earnings in the next five years. They also offer a minimum dividend yield of 2.64%. Here are the three technology stocks offering attractive dividends.
Everybody agrees on the fact that Intel Corp. (NASDAQ: INTC) is a value investment, but what about the current downside movement? I guess it would be best to name it as a bargain. Intel was too hot around May and it is cooled down now. With disappointing Q4 results, the company may even face a short recession.
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