0Salako saw Kemal Sunal's first leading role in a film. In this romantic comedy (as most Turkish comedies seem to be!) he plays the title role of Salakoglan("the fool" in English). He is the village idiot in which the boss (or Aga) of the village has a very beautiful daughter, Emine... whom Salako falls desperately in love with. Salako makes several attempts to win her over but Emine's father has already promised her to the boss of a local village and he himself isn't fond of Salako. As Salako is on the brink of suicide, Emine saves him at the last moment by announcing that they should run off together, consummate their relationship, and then return back to the village. By that point Emine's father won't be able to say no to Salako's proposal of marrying his daughter. So off they go, Salako, Emine, and Salako's only friend, Nafiye the mule, to the mountains to consummate the relationship. But every time Salako makes a move, Emine seems to make an excuse not to, why is this?... everything becomes clear as to why Emine wanted to leave the village in the first place! This film is one of Turkish cinemas best in an era when the only thing good about Turkish productions was the comedy; everything else being taccy, low budget, cringe-worthy junk!
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