0beyler gibtiminin hocasi bi ödev verdi burada 3 kişi yapamıyoz bi yardım edin ya lan yardım edene şukular şelale
1.17. Relatives should receive material and other assistance to enable them to support a person with disabilities at home.
1.18. Procedures for evaluating and responding to people’s needs should be open to independent review and challenge.
1.19. Individuals’ personal potential and capabilities should always be included in holistic assessments of their needs and support requirements.
1.20. Regular periods of respite care should be available to provide family carers with a break from their responsibilities. This helps to ensure that home-based supported living can continue for as long as possible.
1.21. Services and their staff should respect and take into account the pace and rhythm of life of persons with whom they are working.
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