1. 1.
    * @file
    * @brief JS implementation of the ChangeSink.
    * @note Uncomment lines commented like //t to enable spent time counting
    * in the mutation event collector.

    // create namespace
    if (!window. SkypeClick2Call)
    window. SkypeClick2Call = {};

    * @brief Creates new ChangeSink object.
    * @param doc Parent document.
    SkypeClick2Call. CreateChangeSink = function(doc)
    // console.log("SkypeClick2Call. CreateChangeSink");
    // console.log(this);
    return new this. ChangeSink(this, doc);

    * @brief Constructor.
    * @param doc Parent document.
    SkypeClick2Call. ChangeSink = function(theGlobalNamespace, doc)
    this. globalNamespace = theGlobalNamespace;

    this. NOTIFICATION_TIMER_DELAY = 200; // Timeout between handling mutation event and sending notification to C++.
    this.MAX_DELAYED_EVENTS = 100; // Amount of mutation events to collect before explicitly sending notification to C++.

    this.m_doc = doc; // Parent document.
    this.m_injection = false; // True after BeginInjection was called and flase after EndInjection was called.
    this.m_injectionNode = null // Node marked as 'being modified' in BeginInjection.
    this.m_textNode = null; // Temporary variable to store node for DOMCharacterDataModified event during injection.
    this.m_timerId = null; // ID of the timer.
    this.m_modifiedNodes = new Array(); // List of modified nodes
    //t this. tcounter = 0.0; // spent time in miliseconds during mutation event collecting.

    var self = this;
    this.on_event = function(e){self. EventHandler(e)};
    this.on_timer = function(){self. SendNotification()};

    * @brief Adds or removes event listener (m_impl) to m_docEvents for events: DOMNodeInserted, DOMCharacterDataModified, DOMNodeRemoved.
    * @param [in] add Adds event listener
    * @return True if everything is OK, otherwise false.
    SkypeClick2Call. ChangeSink.prototype. AddRemoveListener = function(add)
    var el = this.m_doc. body;
    if (!el)
    el = this.m_doc;

    var events = [ "DOMNodeInserted",

    for(var i = 0, length = events. length; i < length; i++)
    if (add)
    el.addEventListener (events[i], this.on_event, true)
    el.removeEventListener(events[i], this.on_event, true)
    catch (e)
    console.log("error: " + e);

    * Stops receiving update events for specific range. Call this method before do any manipulations
    * with DOM if you don't want receive events for this changes. This method will call
    * range->PrepareForInjection if range isn't null.
    * @param [in] node Domain html node for changes. May be null.
    * @return SST_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.
    • /
    SkypeClick2Call. ChangeSink.prototype. BeginInjection = function(node)
    this.m_injection = true;
    this.m_injectionNode = node;

    * Starts receiving update events for specific range. Call this method after manipulations
    * with DOM done to start receiving events. This method will call range->RestoreAfterInjection
    * if range isn't null.
    * @param [in] node Domain html node for changes. May be null.
    * @return SST_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.
    • /
    SkypeClick2Call. ChangeSink.prototype. EndInjection = function()
    this.m_injection = false;
    this.m_injectionNode = null;

    /// True, if BeginInjection was called and EndInjection wasn't.
    SkypeClick2Call. ChangeSink.prototype. IsInjecting = function()
    return this.m_injection;

    SkypeClick2Call. ChangeSink.prototype. EventHandler = function(event)
    //t var start_time = (new Date).getTime() - 1.0; // round to upper integer value
    var newNode = event. target;
    var pushNode = true;

    if (this.m_injection)
    // BeginInjection was called, so we should skip any C2C highlight node
    if (newNode. className &&
    (newNode. className.indexOf("skype_pnh") >= 0))
    if (!m_injectionNode)
    m_injectionNode = newNode. parentNode;

    // Ignore event if triggered from m_injectionNode or any of its child
    var relation = m_injectionNode. compareDocumentPosition(newNode);
    if ((m_injectionNode === newNode) ||
    (relation & Node. DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS))

    // join nodes if JS makes multiple changes in DOM
    if (this.m_modifiedNodes. length > 0)
    var lastNode = this.m_modifiedNodes[this.m_modifiedNodes. length - 1];
    var compare = lastNode. compareDocumentPosition(newNode);

    if (compare & this. globalNamespace.Node. DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY)
    // new node inside last one
    // do nothing with new node
    pushNode = false;
    if (compare & this. globalNamespace.Node. DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS)
    // new node contains last one
    // use new node instead of last one
    this.m_modifiedNodes[this.m_modifiedNodes. length - 1] = newNode;
    pushNode = false;
    if (compare & this. globalNamespace.Node. DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING)
    if (newNode. isSameNode(lastNode. nextSibling))
    // new node is the next sibling of the last node
    // use parent instead of last node. Make sure parent is not body,
    // otherwise we end up reprocessing the whole document.
    if (!lastNode. parentNode.isSameNode(document. body))
    this.m_modifiedNodes[this.m_modifiedNodes. length - 1] = lastNode. parentNode;
    pushNode = false;
    if (compare & this. globalNamespace.Node. DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING)
    if (newNode. isSameNode(lastNode. previousSibling))
    // new node is the previous sibling of the last node
    // use parent instead of last node. Make sure parent is not body,
    // otherwise we end up reprocessing the whole document.
    if (!lastNode. parentNode.isSameNode(document. body))
    this.m_modifiedNodes[this.m_modifiedNodes. length - 1] = lastNode. parentNode;
    pushNode = false;

    if (pushNode)
    this.m_modifiedNodes. push(event. target);

    if (this.m_modifiedNodes. length == this.MAX_DELAYED_EVENTS)
    // immediately send notification to the C++ part of the plugin
    // if we got enough delayed events
    this. SendNotification();
    // Not enough delayed events. Start timer to wait until we
    // get more events.
    this.m_timerId = setTimeout(this.on_timer, this. NOTIFICATION_TIMER_DELAY);
    catch (e)
    console.log("error: " + e);
    //t this. tcounter += (new Date).getTime() - start_time;

    /// Sends notification to the C++ part of the plugin
    SkypeClick2Call. ChangeSink.prototype. SendNotification = function()
    var e = document. createEvent("Event");
    e.initEvent("SkypeToolbars_ChangeSink", false, true);
    e.modifiedNodes = this.m_modifiedNodes;
    this.m_modifiedNodes = new Array();
    //t e.tcounter = this. tcounter;
    //t console.log("time: " + this. tcounter.toString());
    //t this. tcounter = 0;
    document. dispatchEvent(e);

    // create META to inform contentscript.js that this file is ready
    document. head.appendChild(document. createElement('meta')).name = "change_sink.js";
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