0it doesn't matter for us, for me. big games easy than the other games,
everytime is we have the control the games, under the control the games, during the games,
we have the some possibility, some big chances, some big okazyon,
something like that but, what can i do, sometimes.
it is the football, that is the football.
something happened everything is something happened. but anyway, now is in the tabele,
we have to see the situation, now is second position, and, one point more,
i don't want to see the back, i want to see the front and i hope so tomorrow my team's ...
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 20 12 2024
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gayranjn bacisi bile var
pumberte ve muhtarın
sen muyendis degilsin kaira
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an itibari ile megane 2nin
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bize sadece leblebi kalmış
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