0abd vatandaşı olmayanların oy kullanmak için kayıt yaptırması federal suçtur.
3599.11 False voter registration - registration forms.
(A) No person shall knowingly register or make application or attempt to register in a precinct in which the person is not a qualified voter; or knowingly aid or abet any person to so register; or attempt to register or knowingly induce or attempt to induce any person to so register; or knowingly impersonate another or write or assume the name of another, real or fictitious, in registering or attempting to register; or by false statement or other unlawful means procure, aid, or attempt to procure the erasure or striking out on the register or duplicate list of the name of a qualified elector therein; or knowingly induce or attempt to induce a registrar or other election authority to refuse registration in a precinct to an elector thereof; or knowingly swear or affirm falsely upon a lawful examination by or before any registering officer; or make, print, or issue any false or counterfeit certificate of registration or knowingly alter any certificate of registration.
No person shall knowingly register under more than one name or knowingly induce any person to so register.
No person shall knowingly make any false statement on any form for registration or change of registration or upon any application or return envelope for an absent voter’s ballot.
Whoever violates this division is guilty of a felony of the fifth degree.
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