0assassin's creed 2'nin sonunda minerva'nın sözleri. türkçeye kim çevirecek amk efsane işte beynim gibildi cümleyi sonradan görüp okuyunca
dinle. bizler bir bedene sahipken ve yurdumuz hala sağlamken, sizin soyunuz bize ihanet etti. biz sizi üreteniz. biz size hayatı vereniz. bizler güçlü idik. lakin sizler sayıca çok idiniz. ve iki taraf da savaşı arzuluyordu. dünyevi işler ile o kadar meşgul idik ki falan diye gidiyo amk
When we were still flesh and our home still whole, your kind betrayed us. We who made you. We, who gave you life! We were strong. But you were many. And both of us craved war. So busy were we with earthly concerns, we failed to notice the heavens. And by the time we did... The world burned until naught remained but ash. It should have ended then and there. But we built you in our own image. We built you to survive. And so we did. Few were our numbers. Your kind and mine. It took sacrifice. Strength. Compassion. But we rebuilt. And as life returned to the world... We endeavored to ensure this tragedy would not be repeated. But now we are dying... and time will work against us. Truth turned into myth and legend. What we built, misunderstood. Let my words preserve the message and make a record of our loss. But let my words also bring hope. You must find the other temples. Built by those who knew to turn away from war. They worked to protect us - to save us from the fire. If you can find them... If their work can be saved... so too might this world. Be quick! For time grows short. And guard against the cross - for there are many who will stand in your way.
It is done. The message is delivered. We are gone now from this world. All of us. We can do no more. The rest is up to you, Desmond.
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