+1klavyeye bakmadan random access memories
+1when i was fifteen, sixteen when i started really to play the guitar
i definately wanted to become a musician
it was almost impossible because the dream was so big
i didn't see any chance because i was living in a little town, i was studying.
and when ı finally broke away from school and became ı musician
i thought "well i may have a bit of a chance"
because all i every wanted to do is music but not only play music
but compose music.
at that time, in germany, in 1969-70, they already had discotheques
so i would take my car and go to a discotheque and sing maybe 30 minutes
i think i had about 7-8 songs. i would partially sleep in the car
because i didn't want to drive home and that help me for about almost 2 years
to survive. in the beginning, ı wanted to do a album with the sound of the 50s, the sound of the 60s, of the 70s and then have a sound of the future.
and i said: "wait a second?
i know the synthesizer, why don't i use the synthesizer which is the sound of the future." and i didn't have any idea what to do but ı knew ı needed a click so we put a click on the 24 track which was then synch to the moog modular. i knew that it could be a sound of the future but i didn't realise how much impact it would be.
my name is giovanni giorgio, but everybody calls me giorgio. -
+1ronaldo haksız memoli
+1random access memories
yazdım aq -
+1klavyeye bakmadan random access memories kopyala yapıştır klavyeye bakmadım
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