+2 -13yeter amk yeter lan
Okay this is really me now, no more hiding. Listen we're all worried, we're all in
pain, that just comes with having eyes with having ears, but just remember one thing it
can't get any worse, it can only get better. I mean high school is the bottom. Being a
teenager sucks, but that's the point, surviving it is the whole point. Quitting is not going
to make you strong, living will. So just hang on and hang in there. You know I know all
about the hating and the sneering, I'm a member of the why bother generation myself. But
why did I bother coming out here tonight and why did you? I mean it's time, it begins
with us not with politicians, the experts of the teachers, but with us, with you and with
me, the ones who need it most. I believe with everything that's in me that the whole world
is begging for healing, even the trees and the earth its self are crying out for it, you can
hear it everywhere. It's the same kind of healing I desperately needed and finally feel has
begun with you. Everyone mix it up, it's not game
over yet, it's just the beginning, but it's up to you. I'm calling for every kid to seize the air.
Steal it, it belongs to you. Speak out, they can't stop you. Find your voice and use it. Keep
this going. Pick a name, go on air. It's your life, take charge of it. Do it, try it, try
anything. Spill your guts out and say shit and fuck a million times if you want to, but you
decide. Fill the air, steal it. Keep the air alive... ..
I like that. Talk Hard. I like the idea that a voice can just go
somewhere uninvited and just kind of hang out like a dirty thought in a nice clean mind.
To me a thought is like a virus. You know, it can just kill all the healthy thoughts and just
take over. That would be serious.
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 04 11 2024
topal odlek ordek hayırlı sabahlardiler 04 11 2024
namik bazen ölü taklidi yapar
ne kadar seviyeli bir sözlük tartışması
tip okuyan nerdesin
ne ara 12 oldu la
kufurbazgocmar bak hele
bu ne lan böyle patladım ahahahhahaha
kadınlar aklen ve dinen ekgib yaratıklardır der
memati dun hamsileri yendik
31 spor kiz arkadasini ve melisi
celta vigo getafe maci ev 1 5 ust
karadenizlilere asla oy vermem
dambıllar en iyi arkadaşım
memati bir daha özelden sövmee
bunun pittagini fena kokuyodur
kimse bir kürde hesap soramaz
topal odlek ordek hayırlı öğlenlerdiler 04 11 2024
ermeni soykirimini taniyan filistin no
gayligina bahane arama öz torunum
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